Pregnant cat thrown out of moving car gives birth in a barn... and then leads RSPCA man to her kittens

Posted at 03.12 by hotels
By Emily Allen

A pregnant cat rescued after being hurled from a moving car has stunned an RSPCA inspector by leading him from the scene of the crime to her kittens.

The one-year-old black cat was thrown out of the window of a vehicle in March, Cambridgeshire, last month.

A passerby spotted her being hurled from the vehicle and kept an eye on her for two weeks before managing to coax her into her greenhouse.

She was taken to the vets for treatment for her grazed face but was returned to the scene as it was clear she had very recently had kittens.

Inspector Jon Knight said when he took the cat to the scene of the crime she began 'mewling' loudly.

Jolie only stopped crying out when Inspector Knight began to follow her and she led him for over 300m through a back garden, across a field and into a farm yard.

She finally took him into an old barn where he found her four kittens.

Inspector Knight said the one-week-old kittens, left alone while Jolie was being treated, would have died of dehydration without the action of their mother.

He said: 'To dump a pregnant cat is cruel but to throw one out of a moving car is just callous. She was only a young cat herself and she is so beautiful and friendly.

'The only thing we could do was take her back to the location where she was dumped.

I try not to humanise animals but Jolie wanted me to follow her.

Happy family: Jolie safe and sound with her kittens at Block Fen RSPCA centre in Wimblington, Cambridgeshire

'We knew she had kittens from her medical check and it is quite normal for cats to call out to their kittens to tell them they are home or to call older ones to them.

'But when no kittens came I knew she was calling to me. Every time I stopped, she stopped. She didn't take a direct route, she led me a merry dance to get there.

'In 15 years I have never heard of anything like this before. I would never in a million years have guessed they were there if she hadn't led me to them.

'They would have only lasted two days if I she had not taken me to them.'

Jolie is now feeding her kittens at an RSPCA centre and they will be put up for adoption after they have been weened.

Maternal: Jolie was rushed to a vet for treatment after a woman saw her being thrown out of the window of a vehicle. She is being looked after by the RSPCA


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